Thursday, July 2, 2009

"An Unclean Spirit Returns"

This morning I studied a portion of scripture that, to be completely honest, I had only ever skimmed over in the past: Matthew 12:43-45 which says

(43) When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest, and finds none. (44) Then he says 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. (45) Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.

As I read these verses, I couldn't help but have a heavy heart for my friends who once seemed to be such zealous Christians, but are now living downright sinful and fruitless lives that are worse than the way they were before they were "saved". I wonder, did these friends ever truly accept Christ? Or did they just empty, sweep, and put their lives in order as it says in verse 44? In his commentary, Matthew Poole describes it perfectly:

"(The soul) may be swept from the filth of flagitious sins, and garnished with the paint of religion or some habits of moral virtue; but none of these will keep out the devil."

I have to admit that I carried a burden of resentment toward these friends thinking, "They call themselves Christians and now look what they're doing. Bringing so much shame to real Christians like me." Wait a minute, Felicia... real Christians like me?? That's a whole new issue in itself. I could go down a rabbit trail right now, but instead I'll just ask that you pray for God to give me some humility in this area of my life. I'm actually kind of embarrassed now that people might know that I tend to think this way...

But after reading this portion of scripture, my heart grieves for these friends, knowing that they are probably not living each day thinking, "How can I be more spiritually apathetic today?", but in reality they are being blindly ensnared and misled by the enemy. I do feel blessed however, in the sense that the Holy Spirit has moved me to pray more for these friends, rather than sit by and shake my head in disappointment.

What if they never really accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour? What if they claimed salvation, but really only cleaned up some of the conspicuous sins in their life and "painted on some moral virtues"? What if they're being plagued and deceived by seven wicked spirits? What if their souls are still damned to eternal separation from Almighty God?

This breaks my heart. So shall we pray for this wicked generation.


Marcia said...

I like the new blog look Felicia! Cute title ;)

Well written with this post! I wish everyone had the same burden for people like this. But it should always do what it's done for you - cause us to examine ourselves, and pray hard for them.

I'm having some thoughts about having you begin to share at some of our ladies funcions......I think you'd do great! ;)

Anonymous said...

Felicia - thank you for your honesty and for your sharing your burden. Keep praying, keep studying, and keep looking to Jesus. What an encouragement.