I had never even seen a centipede until we moved into our first house (the house we live in currently) and since we moved in, I have had a total of three traumatizing experiences with these nasty little monsters, all of which have made me look like a complete fool. I suppose this is more of a confessions blog...
Experience #1
It was about a month after we moved into our house and I was in the washroom with intentions of taking a shower. I looked into the tub and laid eyes on the most creepy, crawly, utterly disgusting thing on 100 legs: a centipede. I fled from the washroom hollering, "John there's the biggest bug in entire world in the bathtub!!! KILL IT! KILL IT OR IT'S GONNA EAT ME!!!!" John came to investigate and ever so nonchalantly said, "Felish, it's just a centipede" and he turned on the water and washed it down the bathtub drain. "There, it's gone. Take your shower." However, I was convinced that this thing was invincible, so for the next week (or two) I showered with the plug in the drain just in case the centipede decided to make a comeback. Yes, ridiculous, I know.
Experience #2
It was early summer of last year. I was hanging up the garden hose after watering my flowerbeds when I thought I felt something tickle my foot inside my croc. I just ignored it until I knew for sure I felt something. I screamed and kicked my crocs off as quickly as I possible could and saw (you'll never guess) a centipede come slithering out. I screamed again (this time it was more of an attack cry) as I attempted to spray it with the hose... that I had already shut off. I hope none of the neighbours saw me.
Experience #3
This took place just yesterday. I was starting a load of laundry and when I picked up my bottle of 2x concentrated Purex "After the Rain" detergent, guess what reared its ugly head at me. I don't even have to say it. Once again, I fled the scene shuddering "John! KILL IT! KILL IT! IT'S GONNA GET ME!" And of course, my calm, cool, and collected hubby lumbered over with a paper towel and indifferently muttered, "That was a big one."
It never ceases to amaze me: How does something so miniscule and harmless manage to give me the heebie-jeebies so effortlessly? It makes me wonder if God was chuckling while He created centipedes because He knew the reactions people (especially myself) at the mere sight of them? Hmmm...